Life Idioms

Come out of left field

To be completely unexpected, to be a surprise (from the game of baseball). The manager's new idea came out of left field and we have no idea... Read more →

Could do with (someone or something)

To want or need someone or something. I could do with a new computer because mine is getting old.

Come out of the closet

1. To reveal one's secret interests. To talk in public about something which you kept secret in the past because you were embarrassed about... Read more →

Come out of the blue

To appear suddenly (as if from the sky). My friend's idea for making money came out of the blue.

Come out with (something)

To say something, to make something known. The child has recently come out with many funny expressions.

Come (someone’s) way

To come to someone. A small blue car came my way while I was standing on the highway.

Come through (something)

To complete a difficult activity successfully, to survive something successfully. Our town came through the big storm with no damage.

Come to a head

To come to a point where a problem must be solved. The issue came to a head and everyone was forced to talk about the problem.

Count one`s chickens before they`re hatched

To assume that something will be successful before it is certain. Don`t count your chickens before they`re hatched. You are spending your money... Read more →

Come to a (grinding) halt

To stop completely. The traffic on the bridge came to a grinding halt because of the accident.