In the nick of time
1. Just in time. At the precise moment. Just before it is too late. Because the ambulance arrived in the nick of time, the girl's life was... Read more →
1. Just in time. At the precise moment. Just before it is too late. Because the ambulance arrived in the nick of time, the girl's life was... Read more →
The business is not profitable; it is losing money. During the crises many business in Milan were in the red.
The business is profitable; it earns more than it spends. Our business is really improving. We've been in the black all year.
It's a way of asking somebody what they are thinking. - A penny for your thoughts. - Oh, I was just thinking how people can sell their soul... Read more →
To make a bad situation even worse than it is by doing another action. They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury,... Read more →
To speak of an issue which many people are talking about. It is generally a delicate one. Talking about gay marriages in my country is a... Read more →
To help someone. And it's time to land a hand to life, the greatest gifts of all.
Very rarely. She doesn't get on well with her parents and she visits them once in a blue moon. I do not believe what the horoscope says. I... Read more →
To do somebody's work while he or she is missing. While teacher Sara was taking care of her sick daughter, Anna filled her in.
If something falls between two stools, it fails to achieve either of two aims This English video lesson falls between two stools - it's too... Read more →