Bear a grudge (against someone)
To keep on being angry at someone for something that happened in the past; to not forgive someone for something. My mom continued to bear a... Read more →
To keep on being angry at someone for something that happened in the past; to not forgive someone for something. My mom continued to bear a... Read more →
An accountant or financial officer. The bean counters were asked to look at the figures in the new budget.
To be able to focus or concentrate on something. The tired old lady was not with it and couldn't understand what I was saying.
To end or expire, to be finished. Time is up. Please, hand me your exams.
To be responsible for something bad or unfortunate. The student is not to blame for breaking the iPad; it was a pure accident.
We use this idiom to describe the relief we feel after we tell somebody a secret which is troubling us or something important which is difficult... Read more →
Used when something bad happens to you or when you've been treated badly. It was a real kick in the teeth when, after we split up, I learned I... Read more →
The full form is 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'. It is used when someone has committed a crime or done something wrong; it means... Read more →
When you pull somebody's leg, you make a joke by saying something that's not true. Diana was just pulling your leg when she said the test is on... Read more →
To hope that something good is going to happen. I have my driving licence test this morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me.