By all appearances

Apparently, according to what one sees. By all appearances, the small car was the cause of the accident.

By all accounts

From all reports, from what everyone is saying. By all accounts, the new manager is a very good person.

By a whisker

Just barely, by a very small amount. The marathon runner won the race by a whisker.

By a mile

By a great distance. The runner won the race by a mile.

By a hair

Just barely, by a very small amount. I only passed the exam by a hair.

Buyer’s market

A situation where there are more sellers than buyers of a product or service and the buyers have an advantage. It was a buyer's market and the... Read more →

Buy up (something) or buy (something) up

To buy the total amount of something. The customers bought up all of the products.

Buy (something) sight unseen

To buy something without seeing it first. My sister made a big mistake when she bought the used car sight unseen.

Buy (something) on credit

To buy something now and pay for it later. We decided to buy the computer on credit because we did not have much money.

Buy (something) for a song

To buy something cheaply. We were able to buy the boat for a song.