Call on (someone) to speak

To ask someone to speak, to give someone permission to speak at a meeting. The chairman called on me to speak at the meeting.


A situation in which whatever decision is made the outcome will have negative consequences, a basically no-win situation. It is a catch-22... Read more →

Call (someone) names

To call a person unpleasant names. The children began to call the new student names.

Call out to (someone)

To shout to someone. We called out to our friend at the concert but she did not hear us.

Catch a cold

To become sick with a cold. I caught a cold because of the rain and the cold weather.

Call up a document

To find a computer document and put it on a computer screen. I had to call up the document as I was talking on the telephone.

Call up (someone) or call (someone) up

To telephone someone. My friend said that he will call up his parents tomorrow night.

Calm down

To relax. The woman calmed down after the accident.


In any way possible. We are in the middle of moving house so our meals are catch-as-catch-can.

Can of worms

A complicated situation or problem. The lawsuit opened up a can of worms for the company.