Call for (someone)

To come and get someone. Could you please call for me before you go to the game.

Cast pearls before swine

To waste something valuable on someone who does not appreciate it. Giving the woman the gold earrings was like casting pearls before swine.

Call of nature

The need to go to the toilet. The driver stopped his truck to answer the call of nature.

Can`t see the forest for the trees

To be unable to understand the whole picture of something because you are only looking at small parts of it. Our boss has no understanding of... Read more →

Cast the first stone

To be the first to attack someone, to be quick to blame or criticize or punish others. I told my friend that she should look at herself and her... Read more →

Castles in the air

Daydreams. My sister is always building castles in the air and is very unrealistic.

Cat burglar

A burglar who enters a building by climbing a wall etc.. A cat burglar entered our apartment and stole our television.

Call a meeting to order

To officially start a meeting. The president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Call the shots

To be in charge, to give orders. The vice-president is now calling the shots and is in control of the company.

Call (something) garbage

To not believe something, to dislike something. My friend called my ideas garbage.