Close a deal

To end a negotiation successfully. We had to work hard but we were finally able to close the deal.

Clear up

To become sunny. It stopped raining and cleared up this morning.

Clamp down on (someone or something)

To become strict with someone or about something. The police are going to clamp down on drivers who drive too fast.


Involving secrecy and plotting. Concerned with, or characteristic of espionage or intrigue, especially in the context of drama. The spy was... Read more →

Clip (someone`s) wings

To limit someone`s activities or possibilities. The company decided to clip the manager's wings and will take away his expense account.

Clear up (something) or clear (something) up

To solve or explain (a problem etc.). We cleared up the problem that we were having with our computers.

Clip joint

A low-class business where people are cheated. The men went into a clip joint near the bus station and had to pay a lot of money.


A sports event or movie or election where the outcome is uncertain until the very end. The playoff game was a cliffhanger and the most exciting... Read more →

Click on (something)

To move a computer mouse or cursor to someplace on a computer screen and then click on it. I clicked on the link to open the new page.

Climb the wall

To be so bored that you become anxious and frustrated. The woman began to climb the wall after only a few days at her new job.