Your secret is safe with me.
I won't tell anyone your secret."Your secret is safe with me," I told my friend when he told me his problem.
I won't tell anyone your secret."Your secret is safe with me," I told my friend when he told me his problem.
Your guess or answer is as likely to be correct as mine."Your guess is as good as mine," I answered when my friend asked me how to use the video... Read more →
Something is so clear that it does not need to be said."This restaurant is very expensive and the food is not good. You`re telling me."
That's true, you're right (used to show strong agreement with what another person has said).This meeting is wasting everybody's time. You said... Read more →
I don't know the answer to your question, so tell it to me. You got me there. What do you think the answer is?
Used to show surprise at what is being said. "You don't say," the man said when he heard about the accident on the highway.
The full statement would be: You cannot take it with you after you die. Thus enjoy it while you are here. It's used to used about spending... Read more →
This idiom is used to show strong agreement with what another person has said. It means the same as: I couldn't agree more. "You can say that... Read more →
Most certainly, without any doubt."You bet your life I will be attending the conference next year."
Most certainly, without any doubt."You bet your boots I am going to go."