Rats desert a sinking ship

We use this proverb in referring to those why are the first to seek safety when danger threatens, or to fade away at the first sight of trouble.

Seeing is believing

Many people are reluctant to believe a thing unless they can see it.

Second thoughts are best

To have  second thoughts is to reconsider a matter, and we usually find that our second decision is wiser than the first. I was just sitting... Read more →

Saying is one thing and doing another

It is easier to talk about doing a thing than it is to do it. It is easier to give advice than to put it into practice. 'That tree's too close... Read more →

Take not a musket to kill a butterfly

Don't take extreme measures to get rid of something quite trivial. Don't exaggerate your difficulties. We owe the following to an unknown... Read more →

Take heed of the snake in the grass

Be on your guard against treachery.

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves

This teaches wise economy. Concentrate on saving small amounts and in time you will have a large amount.

United we stand, divided we fall

Unity is strength. As long as we stick together we shall be safe. If we begin to quarrel among ourselves, our opponents will strike us down one... Read more →

Waste not, want not

If you are economical and careful with your money, you need never want - this is, be without the necessities of life.

Want is the mother of industry

Dire need forces people to work, to make enough money to live.