Words cut more than swords
A sharp tongue wounds. This means the same as The tongue is not of steel, yet it cuts.
A sharp tongue wounds. This means the same as The tongue is not of steel, yet it cuts.
Once you have said a thing, it is too late to regret having said it. We find the following in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam translated by Edward... Read more →
An intelligent person can readily take a hint. Whoever is speaking to him knows that he does not need a long explanation. The Latin version is... Read more →
Once we have said it, we cannot get it back. This proverb has the same meaning as A word spoken is past recalling.
Remarks not meant to be taken seriously frequently turn out to be true. For example: 'That's a nice car you've got there, Frank,' said his... Read more →
However much one person insults another, he causes him no physical injury at all. Only when words lead to blows are bones liable to be... Read more →
It is sometimes better to avoid putting thoughts into words. A slight change of expression on a person's face should be enough to convey his... Read more →
We gain nothing from being flattered; nor do we profit from other people’s accuses.
If a man does nothing but talk, he produces noting of value, just like bad weeds in a garden.
This is another way of saying that Actions speak louder than words. High-flown declarations and airy promises are useless substitutes for... Read more →