Take things as you find them
Adapt yourself to new surroundings or conditions. Another way of saying this is When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Adapt yourself to new surroundings or conditions. Another way of saying this is When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Deal with things as they arise.
Give a person credit for his good intentions, even though he does not act on them. He may have been anxious to help, but circumstances have... Read more →
If you grant some people a small favour, it only encourages them to take much more than they are offered. 'I told old Joe to help himself to... Read more →
Don't expect your road through life to be always easy. Accept bad times philosophically.
In the moments of danger during a bullfight, a strong, expert matador will grasp the bull by the horns and so prevent it from tossing him. By... Read more →
Be as ready to give as to take; to help others as you are to be helped; to make concessions as to accept them; to listen to other people's views... Read more →