There’s a black sheep in every flock
This implies that there is a scoundrel in every family – a ne'er-do-well who is a is a disgrace to his parents and relatives.
This implies that there is a scoundrel in every family – a ne'er-do-well who is a is a disgrace to his parents and relatives.
This teaches the folly of false economy; of failing to achieve one's purpose by trying to save in a small detail; of marring an effect in order... Read more →
Never confide in anyone unless you are sure that he will respect your confidence and will not turn to his own advantage what you have said to... Read more →
In olden times a person found guilty of sheep-stealing was sentenced to death because stealing a lamb was as great a crime as stealing a sheep... Read more →
It is in the nature of seep to follow each other, yet there must be one sheep braver that the rest, one that has to set an example before they... Read more →