The weakest goes to the wall
To 'go to the wall' is to be thrust aside. In the battle for survival it is the weak who suffer most.
To 'go to the wall' is to be thrust aside. In the battle for survival it is the weak who suffer most.
This means the same as easy come, easy go.
Don't allow your mind to wander. Think what you are doing. Literally, to go wool-gathering is to go hither and thither collecting fragments of... Read more →
If you are angry with anybody, don't let your bitter feelings last overnight. The source is Ephesians, iv, 26.
Love brings children into the world and so keeps human life from becoming extinct.
If you are unable to get your own way, you must bow to the inevitable. 'I know I refused to do it, but somebody's got to, so if no one else will... Read more →
A skilled or knowledgeable person commonly neglects to give his own family the benefit of his expertise because he is keen on selling what he... Read more →
This means that long-continued success ends at length in failure; and that long-continued impunity ends at length in punishment. However many... Read more →
Those who get money without effort usually squander it. 'Young Willis inherited ten thousand pounds less than two years ago, and now he hasn't a... Read more →