A close mouth catches no flies
When you say less, you can avoid getting into trouble. The proverb is a reminder to be careful about what you say and to think before you... Read more →
When you say less, you can avoid getting into trouble. The proverb is a reminder to be careful about what you say and to think before you... Read more →
Sometimes you cannot get what you want by being careful and polite. Restraint and caution (or ‘pussyfooting’) achieve nothing. This is... Read more →
If we use a small fish as a bait, we shall shall catch a large one. It is worth sacrificing a little in order to gain a great deal more. A... Read more →
Don't try to do two things at once. Concentrate on one or the other.
It doesn’t do to be too curious or inquisitive.
It is worth sacrificing a little in order to gain a great deal more. Here the fly is the bait on the angler's hook. This proverbs means the same... Read more →
You cannot cook and eat it until you have caught it, which may not be easy. Don't decide what you are going to do with a thing until it is in... Read more →
This is another way of saying Never spend your money before you have it.The proverb means act prudently and don't be over-optimistic.
This warns us against wasting time on trivial aspects of a matter, because in doing so we may neglect the essential matter itself.
A thief knows all the tricks of the game, so it is best fitted to catch others engaged in it. A similar proverb is An old poacher makes the best... Read more →