Famous Idioms

Caught unaware

To be surprised and unprepared for something. Everybody was caught unaware by the change in government policy.

Caught in the crossfire

To be caught between two opposing people or groups so it is difficult to remain neutral. The family was caught in the crossfire between the... Read more →

Come again

Please repeat or say that again. Come again. I did not hear you the first time.

Come across (someone or something)

To find something or meet someone by chance. I came across an interesting story in the newspaper last week.

Come about

To happen. Everybody believes that the plans for the new community center will never come about.

Cheat on (someone)

To be unfaithful to someone. The man began cheating on his wife which was the cause of their divorce.

Change hands

To be transferred from one person to another. The pizza restaurant changed hands many times during the last several years.

In charge of (something)

To be responsible for an activity or group of people. Our teacher is in charge of selling tickets for the school dance.

Change the subject

To begin talking about something different. I tried to change the subject when my friend began to talk about the money that I owed him.

Change one`s tune

To make a change in one`s story/statement/opinion/policy. Our supervisor has changed his tune and agrees that we need to do things differently.