Crash and burn
To fail spectacularly. We did not want to crash and burn so we were careful about how we proceeded with the project.
To fail spectacularly. We did not want to crash and burn so we were careful about how we proceeded with the project.
An eccentric person with ideas that do not make sense to others, a crazy person. The man is a crackpot and you never know what he will do next.
To burst into laughter. I cracked up when the man started talking about the incident with the taxi driver.
To tell a joke. The man was much fun at the party because he was always cracking jokes.
To open a book to study. I did not crack a book until the last week of classes.
To hide where one has been, to hide what one has done. The man was trying to cover his tracks but it was easy to see where he had been.
Every moment of the day. We are making lots of money recently. Now our shop is open 24/7 and this is the best decision we could take.
Recent information. The online newspaper gained its popularity especially after covering the blast in Madrid with plenty of up to minute news.
Unexpectedly; in a sudden way. She had just closed the door when all of the sudden she heard somebody knowing. She got terrified.
To start something; especially something of big importance. We explained to the web developer how important the quick launch of this project was... Read more →