Too many cooks spoil the broth
Although many hands make light work there should be only one cook in a kitchen. If there are several of them they will disagree with each other,... Read more →
Although many hands make light work there should be only one cook in a kitchen. If there are several of them they will disagree with each other,... Read more →
A sharp tongue wounds. If you do not wish to hurt people's feelings, do not speak too harshly. As it says in the Apocrypha: 'Many have fallen by... Read more →
Similarly do our thoughts keep on coming back to something that is worrying us.
Tomorrow is always the day after today. If today is Thursday it will be yesterday tomorrow, and Friday will be today. The saying is used as a... Read more →
We should not behave as if this were the last day. There is always another day tomorrow, and always the hope that things will get better.... Read more →
We are all liable to make mistakes. The saying dates back to classical times. We find it, for instance, in Seneca: 'Humanum est errare.'... Read more →
What was true or valid at a time in the past is not necessarily so today because circumstances change. The proverb encourages us to keep up to... Read more →
However great our grief or disappointment may be, in the course of time it will lessen. In this sense our 'wounds' heal with time.
Time is as valuable as money. To waste time is as expensive as to waste money. Neither should be squandered.
This comes the Latin, Tempus fugit. It means that time goes so quickly that it is difficult to keep pace with it.