Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

This is the penalty of greatness. None are completely wretched but the great, Superior woes superior stations bring; A peasant sleeps, while... Read more →

The tailor makes the man

Good clothes can make a man look more impressive than he really is. The other proverb that comes immediately to mind is Never Judge by... Read more →

Safety lies in the middle of the course

Do not go to extremes. Always compromise if that is possible.

Rain before seven, fine before eleven

This piece of optimism is based on the weather in Britain, where early-morning rain sometimes gives way to fine weather later in the day. The... Read more →

Queen Anne is dead

A sarcastic way of saying: 'That's old news. I heard that weeks ago.' The death of Queen Anne was officially hushed up for a while. News had... Read more →

Patience is a virtue

It is also the art of hoping. We must be patient and not despair.

Paddle your own canoe

Do it yourself. Don't always expect others to help you. Be self-reliant.

Of two evils choose the lesser

Choose the less bad thing of a pair of bad things. 'When compelled to chose one of two evils,' wrote Socrates, 'no one will chose the greater... Read more →

Nature abhors a vacuum

This idea was first expressed by Plutarch as early as the first century AD and is much quoted today. It means that any natural deficiency tends... Read more →

Make haste slowly

Don't do anything in too much of a hurry.