Finding’s keeping

If this were taken as a general principal, it would be morally and legally wrong, but we must have a sense of proportion. To pick up a purse in... Read more →

A fault confessed is half redressed

If you have done something wrong and you admit it, you have gone a long way towards putting things right again. By acknowledging your mistakes... Read more →

Familiarity breeds contempt

Familiarity means 'close acquaintance'. In human relationships it may lead to undue intimacy, as when a master treats his servants with so much... Read more →

The fairest rose is at last withered

Beauty fades and is gone. Here is a verse from The Ruba'iyat of Omar Khayyam, translated by Edward FitzGerald: Oh, come with old Khayyam, and... Read more →

East or west, home is best

Wherever it is, and however far you may travel from it, There's no place like home.

Easier said than done

It is easier to talk about doing a thing than it is to do it. It is easier to give advice than to put it into practice. ‘That tree’s too... Read more →

Early to bed and early to rise …

Early to bed and early to rise ... Makes a man healthy, wealthy , and wise. We owe this admirable precept to that great and versatile American,... Read more →

Laugh and grow fat

This is merely encouragement to be cheerful rather than solemn. Lean people tend to be more solemn than fat ones. So laugh and grow fat like the... Read more →

The last straw breaks the camel’s back

If you increase a camel's burden straw by straw, eventually you will load him one straw too many that his back will be broken. The phrase 'the... Read more →

The last drop makes the cup run over

This has the same meaning as The last straw breaks the camel's back.