Deeds, not words

A person is known and judged more by his actions than by what he says. This is another form of Actions speak louder than words.

Death is the great leveller

There can be no such distinctions as wealth, poverty, greatness, humbleness among the dead. When dead we lose all our worldly attributes. In... Read more →

Cast ne’er a clout till May is out

Early spring in Britain often turns warm for a few days. But if you start leaving off clothes you will run a risk, as it may become very cold... Read more →

Adam’s ale is the best brew

This tells us that water is the best drink. It is advice against drinking alcohol. 'Adam's ale' is an old term for water.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone

If you are in a cheerful mood it is easier to get people to share your interests and feelings than if you are solemn or sad, when people tend to... Read more →

Kind hearts are more than coronets

It is the character of a man that counts, not the nobility of his descent. The proverb is a quotation from Lady Clara Vere de Vere, a poem by... Read more →

Kill not the goose that lays golden eggs

A Greek fable tells of a man who possessed a goose that laid golden eggs. Impatient and avaricious by nature, he was not satisfied with one... Read more →

Easy come, easy go

Those who get money without effort usually squander it. 'Young Willis inherited ten thousand pounds less than two years ago, and now he hasn't a... Read more →

Judge not, that ye be not judged

Think before you criticize others, for you may be criticized yourself in return. The source is Matthew, vii, 1. It is part of the sermon of the... Read more →

Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday – but never jam today

If there is one day of the week that we enjoy more than the other six, today never seems to be that day. The proverb is a quotation from... Read more →