Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs

Think before you criticize others, for you may be criticized yourself in return.

If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city

This had a literal meaning in the days when householders got rid of their refuse by throwing it out into the street. A figurative meaning,... Read more →

Happy is the country that has no history

If the country has no history, it means that very few terrible things like wars and famines, which tend to be written down and passed on in... Read more →

Desert and reward seldom keep company

Those deserving of reward do not often receive it. The reward is not necessarily a payment in cash. The proverb can mean that those most... Read more →

Cast not the first stone

Before condemning anyone who has done wrong, ask yourself whether your own conduct has been blameless. The proverb derives from the story told... Read more →

The bait hides the hook

It is the hook that catches the fish, but it is the bait that tempts it to take the hook into its mouth. The moral is: beware of an attractive... Read more →

Advice when most needed is least heeded

Advice is something that wise men don't need and foolish people won't take; and the greater the need for advice, the less likely the foolish... Read more →

One beats the bush, and another catches the birds

One man does all the hard work, and another reaps the benefits. The reference is to the beater, whose job is to strike the bushes and rouse the... Read more →

Necessity knows no law

The proverb is used to express the idea that when someone is desperate and has no other options, they may be willing to break the law to obtain... Read more →

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again

This teaches patience and perseverance. Don't be downhearted. Don't let early failures deter you from your purpose. Stick to it and you will... Read more →