A watched pot never boils

When we are looking forward to something, time always seems to pass very slowly, just as it does when we are standing impatiently waiting for... Read more →

Take the bull by the horns

In the moments of danger during a bullfight, a strong, expert matador will grasp the bull by the horns and so prevent it from tossing him. By... Read more →

Self-praise is no recommendation

You may be proud of your achievements; you may have a very high opinion of yourself; you may thing that others should be made to realize what a... Read more →

The remedy may be worse than the disease

Measures to deal with the evils of one kind or another often make the situation worse. For example, calling in the armed forces during a period... Read more →

Red sky at night …

Red sky at night, shepherd's delight: Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning. A piece of weather lore that dates back to the sixteenth... Read more →

The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last

This means that long-continued success ends at length in failure; and that long-continued impunity ends at length in punishment. However many... Read more →

One cannot be in two places at once

When you are asked why something is not done and you were doing something else, you would say this proverb. It is often use as an excuse for not... Read more →

Needs must when the devil drives

The proverb is similar to Necessity knows no law, but it is also as an excuse for not resisting temptation. 'Needs must'  is used here without... Read more →

Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you

If you are too obsequious, too servile, other will treat you with contempt. don't be a yes-man.

Knowledge is power

The greater our knowledge, the greater our influence on others. The phrase implies that with knowledge or education one's potential or... Read more →