You cannot have it both ways

You may not choose first one and then the other alternative in order to suit your own convenience. It is often used in argument when an opponent... Read more →

Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it

In this life we either have too little of what we do want, or too much of what we don't want or can't use. The same thought is to be found in... Read more →

Take the rough with the smooth

Don't expect your road through life to be always easy. Accept bad times philosophically.

Self-preservation is the first law of nature

We often use this as an excuse for our own selfish conduct - for 'looking after number one'.

Respect is greater from a distance

A man who keeps himself apart from other people is more likely to be held in high esteem than one who lowers himself by mixing with every Tom,... Read more →

A place for everything, and everything in its place

The proverb recommends  tidiness. Everything has its proper place, and when it is to be found there when it is needed, life goes more... Read more →

One cannot put back the clock

This is a reminder to the reactionary who dreams of the 'good old days'  and would like to see them again. He should realize that TIMES CHANGE.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be

If you borrow money from a friend you may not be able to repay it and this will spoil the friendship. If you lend a friend money you may have to... Read more →

A man can only die once

The fact of dying can only be experienced once. This is meant to console us with the thought that if death comes now it won't have to be... Read more →

Learn to walk before you run

Knowledge cannot be acquired all at once; it must be gained step by step. Don't try to spell 'catastrophe' if you cannot spell 'cat'! Start with... Read more →