You cannot have your cake and eat it

This is sometimes given as: 'You cannot eat your cake and have it.' They both mean the same thing, which is that if a choice has to be made... Read more →

The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

This is good advice for wives. Keep your husband well fed and he will always love you.

Take the will for the deed

Give a person credit for his good intentions, even though he does not act on them. He may have been anxious to help, but circumstances have... Read more →

Set a begger on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil

When a man without money grows suddenly rich, he is liable to become the most arrogant of mortals. John Wolcot, whose pen-name was Peter Pindar,... Read more →

Revenge is sweet

This has been described as 'a devilish phrase in the mouth of men'. Milton wrote in Paradise Lost: Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter ere... Read more →

Pleasant hours fly fast

When we are enjoying ourselves, time passes far too quickly , but it passes very slowly when we are bored, or have nothing to do, or we are... Read more →

One foot is better than two crutches

We should be thankful for what we have, even though it is less than than we would like. The proverb means the same as Half a loaf is better than... Read more →

Never ask pardon before you are accused

Wait until you are blamed for something before you offer excuses. Otherwise you will show yourself guilty. Martin had had a very trying day at... Read more →

A man is as old as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks

As long as a man feels well and strong ti does not matter how old he looks. With a woman, however, looks are more important, since a woman tends... Read more →

Least said, soonest mended

Here 'mended' has the sense of making amends or atoning for some misdeed. The proverb means that long explanations and apologies are of little... Read more →