If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow

It is in the nature of seep to follow each other, yet there must be one sheep braver that the rest, one that has to set an example before they... Read more →

Haste trips over its own heels

The more hurry we are in, the more likely we are to drop an egg on the floor or spill the milk. ‘Haste makes waste,’ runs the old saying,... Read more →

Give the devil his due

Even the very bad sometimes do a good deed, so we should recognize the good points of others, even though they are not friends of ours.

Fingers were made before forks

Man used his fingers for eating before forks were invented. The proverb is quoted as an excuse for eating anything in one's fingers instead of... Read more →

Empty vessels make the most sound

Here 'vessels' are metal receptacles such as buckets, oil-drums, and petrol-cans, which, when struck, make more noise when they are empty then... Read more →

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose

This is an attack to hypocrisy, on those who cover up their evil-doing by quoting passages from the Bible or Qur'an. The proverb comes from... Read more →

Catch as catch can

Get all you can by whatever means you have at your disposal. A youth who makes a living by begging and running errands can be said to lead a... Read more →

Beauty is but skin deep

We cannot judge by looks alone. Physical beauty may hide and ugly nature.

All cats are grey in the dark

This proverb suggests that beauty is unimportant. Beneath the outward appearance people are all much alike. As Plutarch wrote: When the candles... Read more →

You are what you eat

The proverb promotes the idea that to be fit and healthy you need to eat well and consume good food. If you eat well, you will be healthy; but... Read more →