You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

Dr Brewer had this to say: 'You must have the necessary materials of facilities before you can make or do what you are expected to ... A sow's... Read more →

We soon believe what we desire

We soon believe what we want to believe.

Take things as you find them

Adapt yourself to new surroundings or conditions. Another way of saying this is When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The shoemaker’s children go barefoot

A skilled or knowledgeable person commonly neglects to give his own family the benefit of his expertise because he is keen on selling what he... Read more →

Share and share alike

Mete out or partake of something equally, as in Mom told the children to share and share alike with their Halloween candy. This term, first... Read more →

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

When not followed by good deeds, good intentions are worse than useless, and the more often we fail to turn our good intentions into actuality,... Read more →

The pot called the kettle black

A person tends to blame another for the faults he has himself. The soot from an open fire blackens the kooking utensils placed upon it, and the... Read more →

One is never too old to learn

However much you know, there is always more to learn, and whatever your age, you can still increase your knowledge. Cicero refers to 'a zeal of... Read more →

Never do things by halves

Finish one thing once you have started it. Do all that is necessary to make a good job of it, and don't work in a half-hearted way.

Man proposes, God disposes

Human beings express their intention of doing a thing, but it is God who decides whether it is to be done. Hence the expression Deo volente,... Read more →