All lay loads on willing horse

In the days when horses were much used for carrying burdens no their backs, the animals that gave the least trouble were given more work to do... Read more →

All’s well that ends well

It is the end that matters, making up for previous failures and disappointments. Shakespeare used the proverb for the title of one his comedies.

All’s fish that comes to the net

A professional fisherman can find some use for all the fish he pulls out of he sea, he cannot afford to be too particular. The proverb advises... Read more →

Gluttony kills more than the sword

More people die from overeating than are slain in battle. this is a very old proverb, dating back to the times when gluttony was more common... Read more →

First catch your hare

You cannot cook and eat it until you have caught it, which may not be easy. Don't decide what you are going to do with a thing until it is in... Read more →

The end makes all equal

There can be no such distinctions as wealth, poverty, greatness, humbleness among the dead. When dead we lose all our worldly attributes. In... Read more →

The devil is not so black as he is painted

No one is wholly bad, and when we think that someone has been blamed too much we use this proverb. 'I agree with you up the a post, but don't be... Read more →

Catch your bear before you sell its skin

This is another way of saying Never spend your money before you have it.The proverb means act prudently and don't be over-optimistic.

Beggars must not be choosers

A person who is hungry and has no money to buy food should not complain when he is offered bread and cheese instead of roast lamp and new... Read more →

All’s fair in love and war

This proverb would have us believe that in a courtship, just as on a battlefield, it is permissible to use every stratagem and take advantage of... Read more →