Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest

We all imagine that we have a greater load to carry than anybody else; that nobody works harder than we do, or has to put up with more... Read more →

Every flow must have its ebb

Every flow must have its ebb and every ebb has its flow. The tide goes in and out unceasingly. Our lives has similar ups and downs; neither good... Read more →

Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard

Every family has a guilty secret that it does its utmost to conceal from the world. The widow and her three grown-up children came to England... Read more →

Every dog has his day

Good fortune comes ones to all of us. If I am lucky today, your turn will come later on; or, alternatively, don’t be too boastful, for... Read more →

Every cock crows on his own dunghill

Another version of this is: 'Every cock is bold on his own dunghill.' The meaning is that anybody can boast of his courage in safe and familiar... Read more →

Every cloud has a silver lining

A dark cloud that obscures the sun has brilliant edges – the silver lining – telling us that the sun is still shining in the sky. This means... Read more →

Every ass likes to hear himself bray

The donkey (ass) is supposed to be fond of his own ugly voice. In the same way, foolish people seem to be fond of their own voices, since they... Read more →

Even Homer sometimes nods

Even the best of use are liable to make mistakes. Homer was the greatest of Greek poets. Horace, the Roman poet, wrote to Homer's occasional... Read more →

Even a worm will turn

Metaphorically  worm is an insignificant or contemptible person. Meek and humble as he is, however, he will resist or retaliate if pushed too... Read more →

Enough is as good as a feast

This teaches the same lesson as Moderation in all things. We use it in such remarks as these: 'I like sopranos up to a point, but when she sang... Read more →