A forced kindness deserves no thanks

No doubt the doer of the kindness is thanked, but he does not deserve to be if he has done it against his will – or to further his own ends.

Forbidden fruit is sweetest

If we are told that we must not have a thing, we want it more than ever. And if we are told not to do a thing, we feel impelled to do it. A... Read more →

For want of a nail…

For a want of a nail the shoe is lost,for want of a shoe the horse is lost, for want of a horse the rider is lost. This proverb which stresses... Read more →

Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down

This refers to the seventh stanza of Longfellow's A Psalm of Life: Lives of great men all reminded us We can make our lives sublime, And,... Read more →

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Foolish people act hastily and do or say things that wiser people would avoid. Angels here represent people of wisdom. The proverb is a line... Read more →

A fool and his money are soon parted

This is a similar proverb to Easy come, easy go. A wise man spends his money prudently; a foolish man spends his without thought and is soon... Read more →

Fling dirt enough and some will stick

Tell enough lies about a persona nd some of them will be believed. In the modern way of speaking,the process is known as a smear campaign. 'I... Read more →

The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait

It doesn’t do to be too curious or inquisitive.

First thrive and then wive

The wording is old but the lesson is as fresh as ever. Don’t marry until you can well afford to do so.

First impressions are most lasting

We may have met a person many time since our first meeting, but his or her appearance as it struck us then is the one that lingers longest in... Read more →