God made the country, and man made the town

This has general application and means that natural scenery (God-made) is better than man-made object.

God is always on the side of the big battalions

In most wars both sides claim the support of the Almighty, yet victory invariably goes to the stronger. Another alternative version is... Read more →

God helps those who help themselves

If you want to succeed you must make the effort yourself. That eminent Spanish writer, Miguel de Unamuno, put it this way: ' “Let God do... Read more →

Full of courtesy, full of craft

Beware of a man who is too extravagantly polite, for he is probably trying to cheat you.

From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step

This is an English translation of Napoleon’s famous remark after the retreat from Moscow in 1812 .We use it when anyone in an important... Read more →

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Your real friends are those who remain your friends when you are really in need of help. True friends come to your aid when you most need them.... Read more →

Fortune knocks at least once at every man’s gate

Opportunity comes to everyone at least once, and when it does come we should seize it, for Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

Fortune favours the bold

The successful people in life are those who have the courage to try. The lesson the proverb can be given in three words: 'Have a go!'

Forgive and forget

Generally when someone forgives another person for a mistake they have suffered, they don't forget what has happened. They are cautious in case... Read more →

Forewarned is forearmed

If we are warned beforehand that something is going to happen we are able to take all necessary steps in advance. 'A little bird has told me,'... Read more →