He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil

Anyone who mixes with evil companions must have all his wits about him. Thus it is dangerous to keep bad company.

He laughs best who laughs last

You may not come off best in the end, so don’t laugh too soon. The following little incident is borrowed from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K.... Read more →

He is rich that has few wants

A person who has few wants can easily satisfy them. In this sense he is 'richer' than the rich man who has many wants that he cannot satisfy.

He gives twice who gives quickly

The person who gives immediately is twice as helpful as the one who gives too late. The proverb is a translation of the Latin Bis dat qui cito... Read more →

A growing youth has a wolf in his belly

Young people who are growing fast are hungry all the time. 'If you doubt that a growing youth has a wolf in his belly, you should see how much... Read more →

The greatest talkers are the least doers

Those who talks the most do less than anybody else. This proverb means much the same as Actions speak louder than words and Empty vessels make... Read more →

Great oaks from little acorn grow

Everything has to have a small beginning, so don’t be discouraged by your own 'smallness'. Here is an example of the way in which the proverb... Read more →

A great city, a great solitude

Sometime “loneliness” is used instead of  “solitude”. The saying comes to us from Greek. It means that in a large centre of... Read more →

Grasp all, lose all

Don’t be avaricious. If you are too greedy you will lose even what you already have. The dog in the fable was carrying a piece of meat across... Read more →

The grapes are sour

People who cannot get what they want are inclined to pretend that they never wanted it, in order to save face. This comes from the fable of the... Read more →