Proverbs with the word Never

A good deed is never lost

The proverb means that performing a good deed, no matter how small, will always have a positive impact, even if it may not be immediately... Read more →

The apple never falls far from the tree

The descendants are usually very much like the ancestors. Children grow up to be similar to their parents and people who know the parents will... Read more →

A beggar can never be bankrupt

To go bankrupt a person has to go deep into dept that they cannot repay. This is generally something that can happen to rich people when they... Read more →

A wise man is never less alone than when alone

Wise people are resourceful and do not feel the lack of company when alone, because they can find plenty to do plenty to think about.

What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh

This saying is often misquoted and misconstrued. People say, 'What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh' meaning that a natural... Read more →

Two of a trade can never agree

Two people on the same trade, in the same field, that have the same interests are both too envious, each imagining that the other is cleverer or... Read more →

Tomorrow never comes

Tomorrow is always the day after today. If today is Thursday it will be yesterday tomorrow, and Friday will be today. The saying is used as a... Read more →

A tale never loses in the telling

The facts of a story are usually improved upon in the telling. Lies are condoned by Pooh-Bah in The Mikado as 'merely corroborative detail,... Read more →

The sun is never the worse for shining on a dunghill

Good people are not corrupted by their surroundings.

Sticks the stones and may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

However much one person insults another, he causes him no physical injury at all. Only when words lead to blows are bones liable to be... Read more →