Proverbs with the word Name

A good name keeps its lustre in the dark

A good reputation is never lost, even in difficult times. It can be difficult to maintain a good reputation, but it is important to remember... Read more →

A rose by another name would smell as sweet

It is not what a thing is called that matters, but what it is. The same applies to people The quotation comes from Shakespeare's tragedy,... Read more →

No names, no pack drill

Don't mention names in case anyone suffers. This is an Army saying. Pack drill is a form of punishment for offences against military... Read more →

A good name is sooner lost than won

It takes a long time to build up a good reputation, but this reputation is quickly lost by just one crime or piece of bad behaviour. It often... Read more →

Give a dog a bad name and hang him

The phrase 'a bad name' means 'a bad reputation'. However untrue the charges may be, they may ruin a man's reputation and so 'hang him' - that... Read more →