Proverbs with the word Blow

A straw will show which way the wind blows

Small events can be a guide to momentous happenings. If the Foreign Secretary tells a taxi-driver at two o'clock in the morning to take him to... Read more →

It is as well to know which way the wind blows

It is as well to know what developments are likely, or what is the state of public opinion. 'To know which way the cat is going to jump' has... Read more →

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good

When all ocean-going ships depended upon the wind to blow them along, a wind favourable to a vessel travelling east was unfavourable to one... Read more →

The first blow is half the battle

Whoever gets his blow in first catches his adversary at a disadvantage. Here, for the sake of example, is a description of a football... Read more →